Taj Mahal is beautified with ancient ‘face-pack’

Multani Mitti Therapy of The Taj Mahal
Multani Mitti Therapy of The Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Every Indian knows how beautiful it is. Thousands of tourists come to see its beauty. Taj Mahal is the most famous monument of India.
This famous monument is receiving a mud face pack nowadays. This Mud-Therapy is used for at two decades to keep this beautiful and shiny.
This cleaning treatment of Taj Mahal is based on a special type of mud named Multani Mitti.

Multani mitti – which means “mud from Multan”

It is often used in India since many years for the glowing skin and hair. This technique is also used for the cleaning of the monuments.
A 2mm thick layer of the Multani Mitti is put on the affected area for a night. The mixture gets dry at night and next day, it is cleaned with the soft Nylon Brushes. After clusters of Multani Mitti is cleared, then it is washed with the distilled water to wash away the particles left there on the wall.

The mixture of Multani Mitti has so far been used to clean all the interiors of the Taj Mahal as well as the parts of the gateway and their four surrounding minarets.
These process of cleaning is done after every 5-6 years.

But now it has been observed by some Archaeologists that the monument is in the danger of discoloration. The air-pollutant reacts with the marbles of the Taj Mahal and put hind the stains. The monument also faces the attacks of the insects which left many dark spots on this beautiful structure. Some experts also say that this Mud-Treatment harms the original color of the monument.

So, We should think a better way to clean the monument and prevent the Taj Mahal from getting harm. It is the pride of our country. It attracts lakhs of National and International tourists every year. The government should take a big step for this, so that the monument may not get any harm and remains our pride.


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