NSG Meeting 2016

Shout mt voice NSG meeting 2016
Shout mt voice NSG meeting 2016

This year meeting of NSG was held on 23rd and 24th June 2016 in the city Seoul, Korea. It was the 26th meeting of NSG, i.e. Nuclear Suppliers Group. The meeting was chaired by Song Young-wan, the ambassador of the Republic of Korea. H.E. Yun Byung-Se, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea welcomed the Participating Governments.

Due to the opposition of China and its supporting countries, India didn’t get the membership of NSG. As the result, the Indian Government has now decided to delay the Paris agreement. The Paris Climate Control was one of the biggest achievements of the American President Barack Obama. But as India is disappointed in NSG meeting and this will become the big hurdle of the American President.

According to the media report, 38 countries were in favour of giving membership to India but 9 countries objected for the membership. The Republic of China and their supporting Countries was against India until last. Moreover, Ireland, New Zealand and Austria provoked questions against the entry of the counties who were not willing to sign NPT. Similarly, Switzerland also raised questions on the rules of NSG membership, though they were in favour of the membership of India.

Now, China is emerging as the hostile power for India. This will result in an unhealthy relationship between India and China.


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