Bihar Board 10th Result 2016: Bihar School Examination Board(B.S.E.B), Patna has conducted the class 10th Board Exam in March 2016. All the students who have enrolled for Matriculation Exam have appeared in the examination as and when it is conducted. As we all know, after the completion of board exams, students have keep searching for their results, here on this page we are notifying to all Bihar board students that your Bihar 10th Result 2016 will be declared the official website www.biharboard.ac.in or Indiaresults.com on May 20, 2016.
Bihar Board 10th Result 2016:
As per B.S.E.B(Patna), large numbers of students who have enrolled to Bihar School Examination Board(B.S.E.B) will appear in the 10th Class Exam in different examination centers, to obtain the higher marks. They have started their revision works and are planning various methodology to be lucky in the exam. It is expected that the examination result of Bihar Board 10th Class will be announced after 2 months from the date of completion of the last exam. After giving the exam, students becomes too much curious to know what they have got in the exam, So we are intimating them that they will able to view their Bihar Board 10th results 2016 on or before 29 May 2016 After 3:00 PM.
Bihar Board Matric 2016 Result ::
Students of Bihar Board who are studying in Matric and going to sit in the board exam in the year 2016 on March 2016 are informed that your results are going to be declared on the official website on June 2016. And for your convenience, here we are going to give some steps and direct links which will directly take you to the result page of Bihar Board 10th Exam 2016 in a short time.
How to View Bihar Board 10th Result 2016 ?
- First of all, Students need to visit the official website of Bihar Board www.biharboard.ac.in.
- After being on the Home page, Click on “Results“.
- Then Click on “X & XII Results 2016“.
- Enter your “Roll Code” given in your Admit Card.
- Enter your “Roll Number“
- After clicking on the Submit Button ,your Result will be downloaded. Please Take a print out of the same.
Bihar Board 10th Exam Result 2016 : –
Students from B.S.E.B Board in 10th Class can able to check their results on May 20, 2016 at the official website. Students are advised to visit the official website get more updates. Make use of the information we have given above to access results. We will keep updating this page about the Bihar Board 10th 2016 Results.
About Bihar Board:
Bihar School Examination Board (B.S.E.B) is a state education board established for holding and conducting an examination at the end of the Secondary School stage, for prescribing course of studies for such examination belonging to the state of Bihar on the basis of the syllabus as prescribed by the Government of Bihar. The headquarter of B.S.E.B is the Capital of Bihar, Patna. Board conducts annual examination in the month of February / March and Supplementary School Examination in the month of August/September.
For more details and exact date of declaration of Bihar Board 10th Results 2016 please stay connected with us or visit India results website.