“Bharat Tere Tukde Honge” : Freedom of Speech in India

Bharat Tere Tukde Honge : Anti national Slogan

“ Bharat Tere Tukde Honge ” Do you think there was something highly dangerous and inflammatory in this statement?

Freedom of speech is the freedom to listen, to demand and to discuss and debate.
At Jawaharlal Nehru University, a few hundred students raised slogans( “Bharat Tere Tukde Honge” ) denouncing the hanging of “Afzal Guru” and demanding “Azaadi” for Kashmir.
Freedom of speech is the freedom to listen, to demand and to discuss and debate.
The University has been at the centre of a most heated debate on “Nationalism” versus “Freedom of expression”, after the student union president of JNU was arrested. Kanhaiya Kumar was charged with sedition. The campus is now witnessing a showdown between those who are fighting for freedom of dissent and freedom of expression, versus those who believe that people expressing anti-India sentiments should be charged with sedition. It is when freedom of speech isn’t freedom of speech that the problem arises. “Hate Speech” or raising slogan like “Bharat Tere Tukde Honge” is a freedom of speech to the extent that the wordings and language used does not encourage violence or violation of the law. Freedom of speech is not the ability to say whatever you feel like it. Yelling “bomb” in a theatre is not freedom of speech. Protesting, rally or propagating that you wish someone dead or are looking forward to seeing a group of people dead is not freedom of speech. Disrespect towards country, Profanity and sexual suggestions are not free speech. One must be free to give his or her opinions with their coherence and respect, but this should be consequent with the sensitivity of people. To use our freedom, we also not forget respect of the other’s freedom as well. People like “Hafiz Saeed” and “Azhar Masood” don’t carry arms but they carry very poisonous ideas. A programme was organised in the university to mark the anniversary of the hanging of Afzal Guru in which anti-India slogans were raised. Freedom of speech does not mean you pick up some issue settled by the “Supreme Court of India” and to use that in place where education and discipline is the primary focus. These are not students, these are politically influenced and motivated anti-national elements who would be a menace to society.
I believe in freedom of speech but convening a gathering and shouting against the nation is clearly a violation of the right. “Tere barbadi tak ladhai karenge” or “Bharat Tere Tukde Honge” is clearly a term of sedition. If they have no love for country, they have no place in India. Slogans like destroying India and breaking up India and “Pakistan Zindabad” or to say “Bharat Tere Tukde Honge” can’t be defended by any amount. Such activities need to be firmly confronted with strong approach. The people who raise slogans of breaking-up and ruining country and then slip into the argument of freedom of speech forget that only if the nation survives will their democratic rights and freedom of speech prevail. If you are agree with the decisions being taken by Modi government then you should go and tell that to the people. But atleast shouldn’t support anti-national activities for petty politics. Freedom of speech is misused by anti national elements to spread violence, hate, and terror, if not stymied at the root , it will have serious consequences for the nation. Anti-national ideology or shouting anti-national slogans should not be interpreted as a freedom of speech. No country will tolerate such ideology or the activities. Those students or faculties who involved in shouting anti-India slogans and spreading anti-India ideology and thoughts should be punished under the sedition. Freedom of expression doesn’t warrant any one to shout for dismemberment of the nation. When you have living in Nation, you have to respect the Nation! Shouting anti national slogans like “ Bharat Tere Tukde Honge ” or ” Afjal ham sharminda hai tere katil zinda ha i” should not be tolerated anywhere in the world.
In other hand some people thinks that they are innocent and raising these anti-national slogans are just Freedom of Speech


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