As cybercrimes are rising, criminals are upgrading their methods to do scams and putting us in danger even when you don’t get scammed, you can still be a part of getting scammer’s money laundered through you.
In addition, some banks will not only not help you get all the information which is eventually your right to know, but delay or ignore you to provide your information.
As cybercrimes are rising it’s getting common that the authorities even don’t receive your call because they are too loaded with a bunch of cases and you are not the only victim.
Let’s me give you some figures,
From the date 1.1.2023 to 31.12.2023, there was 11,28,265 cases registered in india due to cybercrime of ₹7,489 Crore scammed by scammers, this is of One year period.
It is estimated that approx 30 Thousand Crore Rupees have been scammed in the last 5 years in India.
What do you think, where it gone?
Scammers never hold money for so long in their accounts, they send it further to several accounts, withdraw cash immediately, purchase crypto, spend it to buy something expensive, invest in gaming platforms etc.
From any of these mediums if you have got money or a portion of the money then your account can be Hold/Lein/frozen.
I am not trying to scare you but trying to educate you on how you can avoid these kind of transactions.
- Try to do transactions with your known people only.
- Even if you are selling anything significant to an unknown person take their documents like Addhar or PAN.
- If you are doing a small business, do it with your current account only instead of savings account.
- If you are running a medium-scale business, try to get money via digital payments or cheques and do maintain proper invoices.
- If you are doing freelance, make sure you get money via digital payments or cheques and maintain proper invoices on email.
- Never try to get involved in any Gaming Platforms.
- Try to avoid P2P Trading, if you do, try to sell it to an Indian Crypto exchange like CoinDCX and sell it to a platform only not to any person, it will give you lesser return and impose some tax too but atleast can ignore these legal disputes and contribute to nation’s growth.
My Appeal to Banks/Authorities
To Banks,
- We all are human beings and treat us like one, if someone comes to your bank seeking help or information, try not to avoid them, they may be in trouble financially, he may be self a victim and because of the freeze, his whole family may suffer.
- Your bank can’t hold/freeze without an order from the Authority, and the Authorities always provide complete details of the complaint including Layers and Money trail to your nodal offices or to the authorized personnel, so at least provide those details to the Customer to make it ease for them.
- As customers may be already suffering from a financial crisis, don’t try to become one more nightmare for them because once that all ends, they won’t be able to trust your bank anymore, so try to be polite and help them as much as you can.
- Try to provide the Branch Manager’s email ID along with the complaint details so it will be easy for you too to help your own customers to ease the process.
- This is to all authorised personnel, who do Hold/Lein/Freezes accounts, it’s very good that you impose Hold/Lein/Freezes very frequently it helps the victims to recover their scammed money, but also Unfreeze or remove Hold/Freeze with that ease once you get the NOC/Revocation Email from the authority because each day you delays can be a nightmare for the customer because you don’t know whether the customer saved their money in your bank to save his/her family, their daughter’s marriage or anything else.
To Authorities,
- We understand you all are already overburdened due to multiple cases assigned to you, but also try to understand, that the person calling you is in pain because he may be a common citizen, not a scammer, so at least take 5 minutes to listen to the call.
- We also understand you are not Superman and can’t solve every case immediately but try to understand, that you are the people we rely upon and trust you with our everything.
- Try to be as polite as you can, and ask people to the police station only if you are sure that person is the scammer or else in this era, you can get and verify documents and statements on your official email and provide a timeline to the person.
- If you think you need to get more information, ask directly to them and if they provide you with information of their upper Layer’s contact details from the chain, contact them immediately to verify.
- People coming to your police station can be from the same state or coming from some other state so try to resolve their cases on priority because you don’t know in what situation they came to you and how they are arranging to stay in different state with his money blocked
- These things will not only help people but also make them trust you more and they will never hide anything and cooperate from their heart and will help you catch the actual scammer/fraudster.
Thank you for reading, my whole purpose is to explain what I have gone through these days personally, and educate what i learned from these events and I hope that doesn’t happen to any of us in coming future.