Hello readers,
If you are on this article you must have already known about Hold/Lein/Freeze, got the Complaint details you needed including the Money trail and cause & solutions.
Now let’s learn what you should do and what you shouldn’t in your case
Do & Don’t in your case
You should do
- Be Polite, calm and take care of yourself.
- Be patient as these processes can take more than 30 days.
- Collect all information, print details you got from the bank, get your bank statement stamped by the bank, print your docs copy,and write the complete event on paper as an application
- Make 2 printed Copies of each document, the application and scan and make a PDF file of everything(If IO asks you to provide it on email).
- Get your Branch Manager’s email ID to provide it to IO.
- Always, be polite and co-operate with the IO or the Authorities.
You Should not
- Never hide any details from the Authority.
- Don’t hide details from your lawyers.
- Never try to be rude to either Bank or the Police authorities.
- Never Loose hope and get disappointed as you are not wrong.
What will be the final resolution of the case?
Once you are in contact with the Investigation officer, usually the IO will investigate your proofs presented by you personally or via email.
If the IO is satisfied with the proofs these are the following steps will happen.
- IO will investigate with the documents you presented by you personally or via email.
- If you are at Layer-3 or after then there are chances IO will consider your proofs and send a revocation email.
- Provide your Branch Manager’s Email id to the IO for a smooth unfreezing process.
- Once you get the confirmation from the IO that he/she sent the revocation email, get in touch with your bank.
- It will take upto 7 days for your bank to process and verify the Revocation/NOC email from the authority and to unfreeze your account or remove the Hold.
If the IO is NOT satisfied with the proofs these are the following steps will happen.
- The IO will complete the investigation account to according to him meanwhile your account will remain Hold/frozen.
- Once IO completes the investigation, you will get a notice from the court to be present at the given court venue, date and time and prove your innocence.
- You should get legal help to represent yourself in court with the documents.
- If you can prove yourself at the court then the court will pass an order to unfreeze your account.
- If you are not able to prove yourself innocent then the court will pass an order to return the whole amount to the complainant or the disputed amount to the complainant to the Bank.
- Once the return of the amount processed is complete, your account will be unfrozen within 30 days.
In next article, you should share misconceptions people around you may.