We all want to lose weight once in a lifetime. But the truth is losing weight is more difficult than gaining weight, yes one can easily put on weight but it takes a lot of effort to lose weight. If we take the right proportions then we can do it more easily, 80% efforts should be through diet and 20% efforts through exercise. Yes, you heard it right out of 100, 80% weight can be lose through diet. So, basically you are what you eat. Eating in right manner will not only helps you in losing weight but it will make you healthy.
Here are some of the tips which will help you to lose weight without any exercise.
- Cut your portions
The first thing to do while losing weight is to cut your portions. No matter, what you are eating in your meal, if you are able to cut some of the portions then it will help you in maintaining your calorie intake. For example if you are eating a rice bowl then make it half.
- No sugar
Sugar is sugar in any form. Whether it is white sugar, brown sugar, honey or jaggery just try to avoid it. Sugar is very unhealthy for your body, if you are unable to avoid it then you can atleast have it in less quantity.
- Bye bye to Junk food
Yes, you heard it right bye bye to junk food. Junk food have many calories and not only it will make you fat but they are very unhealthy for your body. Try it for few months you can see the results.
- Stay Hydrated
Water is the best food for your health. Drink as much water as you can, atleast you have to drink 8-10 glasses per day. If you dont like water then you can add fruits in it to make it tasty.
- Plenty of Sleep
Last but no the least, take plenty of sleep and avoid stress. A healthy person should take atleast 8-10 hours of sleep. Sleeping well will make your body healthy and helps you in losing weight.
Hope these points will help you in losing weight. Do share it with your friends and family and follow our blogs for more updates