5 Free Online Proofreading Tools for Error-Free Writing

Proofreading Tools
Proofreading Tools

If you are in digital marketing or you are a freelancing writer then you must be attentive of the importance of content, as it should be a quality content which would attract more readers. Especially the writers spend most of their time in deciding the topic which will help to attract more readers or the targeted audience, not only this they usually spend their time in rewriting it again and again.

But do you know what should be the main focus you have to know in your content in which you have to pay more attention?

The answer to this question is while writing any article you should be careful with your content quality and most importantly you should give time to proofread. After writing any article you must have to proofread it as it the essential part, proofreading not only helps to examine your mistakes but it is also useful for making the content quality content.

Here I will describe you 5 free online Proofreading Tools which will surely help you to make your content more accurate:

1. Grammarly: 

Well I would say it’s one of the best tools which can be used for proofreading, don’t go further as it is all in one tool. You just have to upload the document which you want to correct and then it will show you the incorrect grammar, after the completion of the auto correction you can download the same document as well. You can also copy and paste the content in Grammarly. goo.gl/7PjH8W

2. Polishmywriting:

It is also another best tool which I will suggest you; the prime feature is it differentiates your error in three different colors: red- for the spelling mistakes, blue- for the style suggestions, green – for the grammatical errors. It also provides the active and the passive suggestions and gives you the results instantly. goo.gl/WoNp

3. Ginger:

Ginger works same as polishmywriting does, it helps to find out the errors in articles-a, an, the and also provides you suggestions for has, have etc. So if you make mistakes mostly in these, then you must go for ginger. It is the tool through which you can express yourself better without having any mistakes; also it is available on both desktop and mobile applications. goo.gl/HJiUY

4. Slick Write:

Basically, it is a tool which helps you to judge yourself in terms of progress in writing skills. You can easily analyze your quality in writing with slick write as it provides you a whole description of your errors in writing. Also, gives you an analysis of your writing which includes phrases, filler words, adverbs, passive words, preposition and much more. goo.gl/LqviO

5. PaperRater:

It is another good tool for the analysis of your content, as it not only provides you error in grammar but also, examines the title of your article and rates it according to different parameters like- vocabulary, choice of words, styles. goo.gl/dZ53Ak

Lastly, I would like to say that the above-mentioned tools are very good and useful too but these are not 100% accurate, so it is better to use these tools but you must have to proofread your article manually for better results.


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